Group Exams Syllabus
Group Exams Syllabus
Group performances provide a unique opportunity for learners to learn their craft whilst learning the dynamics of working together as a team. New Era Academy’s syllabus provides different group formats that learners can work in for their Grade examinations
- Regulated Group Exams
- Groups of 3 or 4 learners, all at the same Grade
- Groups of 5 or more learners (no maximum) and learners can be at different Grades
- Each performer in the group will be awarded individual marks
- Learners do not receive medals for Group Exams
- Unregulated Group Exams (not regulated by Ofqual or CCEA)
- Groups can be of any size and any combination of Grades
- The Group performance will be awarded one mark per group
Choose Specific Disciplines within the Group Exams Syllabus:
Acting – Syllabus
Musical Theatre – Syllabus
Choral Speaking
Devised Drama – Syllabus
Creative Movement – Syllabus
Acting – Syllabus
Recital – Syllabus
Shakespeare – Syllabus