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NEA Syllabus Documentation

NEA Syllabus

In April’23 we launched our new Exams Syllabus for the 2023-2026 UK academic years for our renowned NEA Communications Exams and NEA Performance exams.

The syllabus is a source of the course outline for learners providing a conceptual framework to learners so they can prepare themselves for the examination and know what is expected. It provides all information regarding the course outline, basic information, student responsibilities, grading system, and the type of exams learners can expect.
New Era Academy provides aspiring learners a solid base to prepare for better performance while giving them creative freedom to express their skills and talent through their performance in different exams.
New Era Academy updates its current course outlines and revises its syllabus every three years to ensure they keep evolving towards betterment.

Each exam is assigned a level following the regulated qualifications framework (RQF). They start from the initial preparatory stage to the advanced level. Learners can earn UCAS tariff points, allowing learners to apply for a course of study at a UK university or other higher education institution.

We have provided PDF downloads of our full Syllabus documentation for the Communications Exams and Performance Exams streams. If you are looking for individual sections of the syllabus, they are available in the next sections.

Full NEA Syllabus


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